Saturday, March 31, 2007

I am Random: CAC Getting to Know You

Here are Jana's GTKY questions for this week.

What did YOU eat last?
Some very yummy teriyaki chicken drumettes, rice, and peas, cooked by my dh, and eaten on the front lawn on our kiddie picnic table. We brought drumettes on our camping trip and the kids just loved them. We will definitely be making them often- who doesn't love a meal that the kids eat up without reminders that the table is for eating!

What about YOUR love life? Anyone special? Tell us about him/her! My husband and I had some really great conversations on our camping trip, particularly in the car. You know how it is, even in a family that is not scheduled to the gills, it is so hard to have a conversation sometimes. And even in the car it can be tough, because our kids often need a lot of attention. Anyhow, I really opened up, shared my dreams, and he did more than listen. He supported, encouraged, helped me brainstorm.

What is it like where you live? I live in a rural part of Florida- home to many orange groves and cattle farms (did you know FL is second in cattle raising to Texas?). We live in a great neighborhood, with a super community school. The weather is pretty lovely right now, but I fear it'll be getting hot really soon!

What are YOUR favorite features about yourself? I have really good hair. And green eyes (which I so hoped one child would inherit, but they didn't!).

What deep thoughts have YOU been pondering upon? What my next few years will be like- what direction I want to go in, what my dreams are.

List 2 random things you love about life: a baby's first giggle. my kids' imaginations.

How did YOU find out about CAC? I think I found it via Krista.

What do YOU love most about spring? The smell of the orange blossoms! They are blooming in full force right now, and to stand in the driveway after dark, with a soft breeze blowing is just heavenly.

1 comment:

Jana B said...

"did you know FL is second in cattle raising to Texas?"

I would NEVER have guessed!!!! LOL

I've also never smelled an orange blossum... sounds nice though.