Thursday, February 28, 2008

Love Thursday

My sister and her son visited this week. The kids are totally in love with him, and he is equally smitten with them. Two of his favorite words are Maya and Sam.

Everyone had a great time at the playground on Tuesday afternoon. Lots more photos of teh cuteness here.

We're so looking forward to visiting them in one month!

More Love Thursday at Shutter Sisters


Anonymous said...

Cousins are extremely important in my family. Cousins bring the fun and the strange mirroring (so much the same but so different, too...).

I love watching E (3) interact with her older girl cousin J (12 now). She thinks J is a movie-star. And J loves being adored in that way, too.

E also loves her two boy cousins (7 and 11). She gets rowdy with them and likes to watch them be physical.

How cool for you all to have had the visit!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures sooo much!
God! I wish that my children could see their cousins more often. They all love each other and they have so much fun when we spend time together!
Elsita :)