Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pitter Patter

What's making my heart swoon right now?


I have loved the Oxford English Dictionary since I first laid eyes upon it in college. I was recently telling someone about the OED, someone who'd never heard of it (gasp!) and I got giddy talking about the word origins, the long list of definitions, and the examples of each usage from literature.

Today's mail brought a bookseller's catalog, and on the first inside page this condensed version of the OED. Honestly, my heart skipped a beat. It is being offered at a great price, albeit a price generally outside of my book buying budget. My birthday is long past.

I don't really need this, but, oh, my heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the full on one. You should get it. I just flip through mine when I am doing my hair. It's awesome. I mean, exegesis? Synechdoche? Temesis? C'mon. You deserve it.